You can use this page to send messages to the team. They will not be published on the website.
Being able to keep you informed by email is the easiest and quickest way to let you know what’s happening throughout the MACKPlan process.
If you wish to be kept informed by email, you can sign up to the MACKPlan newsletter by clicking here.
By providing your email address, you accept that the MACKPlan team will normally communicate with you by email newsletters, rather than with printed material, and that it is your responsibility to inform the team of any change to your email address.
To avoid being sent printed newsletters as well as email versions, it would be a great help if you would please supply your address so that it can be excluded from any postal mailing list.
All information provided will be held securely and none will be shared with any other organisation.
If you wish to unsubscribe to the MACKPlan newsletter please use this contact form to advise us.
Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means that we need your consent to hold your details and to contact you. By contacting us using the form below you are giving your consent for us to contact you from time to time with newsletters and news updates relevant to MACKPlan, and to notify you of MACKPlan related events. We will take all reasonable steps to keep your details safe and we will not pass your details on to any other organisation without your explicit consent. You are free to update your details stored with us or request their deletion at any time by emailing