Using the evidence gathered during the various resident and commissioned surveys, and resident comments made at public meetings, we have drafted a Neighbourhood Plan which we believe contains policies that the residents regard as important as well as meeting the mandatory national and regional government rules. In March we publicised a Call for Sites asking landowners to propose potential sites that meet the outline policies detailed in our draft plan.
We have had responses concerning 10 sites and now need to undertake an assessment of the feasibility and relative benefits of each of these sites. This site assessment will be completely transparent and demonstrably independent in nature. It is being conducted over the next 2 months by a national organisation called AECOM who conduct many of these assessments. The assessment will include unaccompanied site visits.
Once we have received the results of the AECOM survey we will have gathered all the evidence that is needed to complete the draft plan. Our intention then is to undertake a detailed consultation of the plan both with the Parish Council and with local residents. Clearly the restrictions imposed by COVID 19 will make this consultation more difficult than it would otherwise have been and we will probably have to do much of it online. We ask that you bear with us during this period as we would have much preferred to have held large face to face public meetings.
In the meantime, if you have any questions then please email us